

Group Officials from Echo Kilo
13EK111 – Toni – Headquarter World | Group Coordinator|
Mailadress EK Headquarter
1EK010 - Antonio - EK QSL Manager |
1EK156 - Mauro - EK QSL Manager 
2EK010 - Andrew - USA/North America |
3EK001 - Márcio - Vice Area Manager South Amerika |
6EK011 - Cesar - Area Manager South America |
13EK555 - Jörg - Donation Manager |
13EK666 - Marco - Facebook/WhatsApp Admin |
13EK999 - Marcel - Website Admin -
14EK021 - Steve - French vice manager - EK qsl card Designer
14EK040 - Frankie - EK International Competition Manager |
20EK020 - Frank - Area Manager Scandinavian and Balticum
43EK910 - Micheal - Area Manager Pacific -
90EK101 - Kostas - Website Admin - 
91EK158 - Indarto - Area Manager Asia
91EK505 - Aim - Vice area manager Indonesia
102EK101 - Bader - Middle East Area Manager

EK is present in 113 DXCC with a total of 1343 Members

Division 1 – Italy
1EK010 – Antonio – EK QSL Manager |
1EK011 – Pino
1EK012 – Sandro
1EK013 – Raffaele
1EK014 – Giuseppe
1EK015 – Carlo
1EK016 – Giuseppe
1EK017 – Luciano
1EK018 – Michele
1EK019 – Matteo
1EK020 – Fabiano
1EK021 – Domenico
1EK022 – Fabrizio
1EK023 – Gianluca
1EK024 – Carlo
1EK025 – Francesco
1EK026 – Stefano
1EK027 – Giuseppe
1EK028 – Ugo
1EK029 – Fausto
1EK030 – Marco
1EK031 – Giorgio
1EK032 – Pier
1EK033 – Umberto
1EK034 – Luca
1EK035 – Ivan
1EK041 – Tino
1EK045 – Daniele
1EK046 – Luigi
1EK047 – Marco
1EK050 – Darek
1EK052 – Carlo
1EK054 – Marco
1EK057 – Walter
1EK058 – Giulio
1EK059 – Carmelo
1EK061 – Angelo
1EK070 – Mirco
1EK076 – Biagio
1EK077 – Sebastiano
1EK078 – Alex
1EK080 – Filippo
1EK081 – Gaetano – Lampedusa Island
1EK083 – Daniele
1EK090 – Aldo- IOTA AF – 018 pantelleria isl | QSL Manager 1EK010
1EK093 – Filippo
1EK099 – Daniele
1EK100 – Alfredo
1EK101 – Marius
1EK102 – Michele
1EK104 – David
1EK105 – Maur0
1EK107 – Tiz
1EK110 – Gio
1EK111 – Max – Administrator Website
1EK112 – Silvio
1EK119 – Vittorio
1EK126 – Adriana
1EK127 – Peter
1EK128 – Alessandro
1EK135 – Sandro
1EK144 – Maurizio
1EK155 – Filippo
1EK156 – Mauro
1EK166 – Piergiacomo
1EK167 – Marco
1EK171 – Claudio
1EK175 – Luca
1EK190 – Anto
1EK191 – Villy
1EK195 – Alessandro
1EK212 – Rudy
1EK256 – Franco
1EK261 – Carlo
1EK300 – Orazio
1EK330 – Fabio
1EK331 – Michelangelo
1EK333 – Riccardo
1EK351 – Mirko
1EK394 – Alex
1EK404 – Luke
1EK409 – Giovanni
1EK425 – Savio
1EK500 – Emiliano
1EK666 – Luca
1EK707 – Marco
1EK800 – Enrico
1EK888 – Jimmy
1EK811 – Rino
1EK905 – Maurizio
1EK911 – Enrico
1EK914 – Bruno
1EK954 – Maurizio
1EK966 – Antonio
1EK967 – Roberto
1EK1765 – Giuseppe


Division 2 – USA
2EK002 – Aaron
2EK011 – Tim
2EK010 – Andrew
2EK012 – James
2EK015 – John / New York – NY  / | QSL Manager 1EK010
2EK017 – Austin
2EK018 – Leo
2EK030 – Gary – R.I.P.
2EK039 – Tom
2EK047 – Mark
2EK066 – James
2EK069 – Rich
2EK074 – Scott
2EK089 – Randy
2EK123 – Karl
2EK142 – Matthew
2EK153 – James
2EK172 – Gerardo
2EK184 – John / Texas – TX / | QSL Manager 1EK010
2EK185 – Glenn
2EK187 – Darren
2EK209 – Jorge
2EK237 – Edwin / New Hampshire – NH / | QSL Manager 1EK010
2EK251 – Robert
2EK269 – Francis
2EK286 – Gary / North Carolina –  NC / | QSL Manager 1EK010
2EK308 – Barry
2EK309 – David
2EK316 – Judi
2EK357 – Dave
2EK398 – Tim
2EK405 – John
2EK442 – Butch
2EK444 – Ken
2EK554 – Jody
2EK555 – Andrew
2EK600 – Adam
2EK616 – Stan
2EK646 – Edwin García
2EK666 – David
2EK697 – Ed
2EK727 – Eugene
2EK762 – Alan
2EK766 – Mike
2EK811 – Michael
2EK820 – Jeanette
2EK914 – Michael
2EK925 – Ron
2EK927 – Darrell
2EK959 – Mike
2EK1141 – Hank -RIP
2EK1206 – Jeff / Maryland – MD / | QSL Manager 1EK010
2EK1488 – Rick
2EK3593 – Dennis
2EK5150 – Randy
2EK7165 – Richard


Division 3 – Brazil
3EK001 – Márcio – Vice Area Manager South Amerika |
3EK010 – Andy
3EK011 – Luiz Carlos
3EK012 – Sérgio
3EK013 – João
3EK014 – Eli
3EK015 – Gibson
3EK016 – Fabio
3EK017 – Tarciso
3EK018 – Jayme
3EK019 – Ric
3EK020 – Luis
3EK021 – Pietro
3EK022 – Marcos
3EK023 – Adriano
3EK025 – Hélder
3EK026 – Regi
3EK030 – Cesar
3EK031 – Vladimir
3EK033 – Luis
3EK035 – Washington
3EK036 – Jean
3EK038 – Beto
3EK048 – Martins
3EK051 – Rogério
3EK052 – Jürgen
3EK059 – Rafael
3EK066 – Jean
3EK073 – Charles
3EK076 – Eduardo
3EK097 – Jean Patrick
3EK100 – Renato
3EK101 – Renata
3EK102 – Sabraj
3EK103 – Ricardo
3EK104 – Rey Jr.
3EK105 – Rafael
3EK106 – Elizeu
3EK107 – Mauricio
3EK108 – Fabio
3EK109 – Rodolfo
3EK110 – Kurt
3EK111 – Leo
3EK114 – Jose
3EK115 – Paco
3EK120 – Roberto
3EK123 – Fabiano
3EK127 – Robson
3EK130 – Fabricio
3EK131 – Adriano
3EK135 – Gui
3EK141 – Sergio
3EK145 – Rodrigo
3EK150 – Alex
3EK151 – Julio
3EK153 – Nilson
3EK155 – Júlio
3EK157 -Fernando
3EK171 – Leandro
3EK200 – Barnabè
3EK213 – Luciano
3EK207 – Rich
3EK217 -Giba
3EK292 – Mauricio
3EK300 – Ademar
3EK313 – Geovani
3EK321 – Fernando
3EK333 – Rogerio
3EK359 – Kadu
3EK380 – Netto
3EK420 – Nildo
3EK500 – Antonio
3EK505 – Barbosa
3EK666 – Mateus
3EK710 – Paulo
3EK717 – Paul
3EK718 – Luiz
3EK1000 – Franz
3EK1113 – Danilo


Division 4 – Argentina

4EK010 – Manuel
4EK011 – Dani        | QSL Manager 1EK010
4EK012 – Carlos
4EK013 – Ruben
4EK014 – Marcelo | QSL Manager 1EK010
4EK103 – Victor | QSL Manager 1EK010
4EK123 – Tito
4EK015 – Claudio
4EK016 – Carlos
4EK017 – Alejandro
4EK018 – Gustavo
4EK019 – Julian         | QSL Manager 1EK010
4EK020 – Fernando
4EK021 – Jorge          | QSL Manager 1EK010
4EK022 – Juan
4EK023 – Tomas
4EK025 – Walter
4EK047 – Mario
4EK066 – Gallego
4EK069 – Ezequiel
4EK077 – Gustavo
4EK091 – Adrian
4EK099 – Rodolfo
4EK100 – Christian
4EK101 – Mario
4EK111 – Carlos Ariel
4EK127 – Ricardo | QSL Manager 1EK010
4EK151 – Omar
4EK152 – Nestor
4EK220 – Alberto





Division 5 – Venezuela

5EK010 – Leonardo
5EK101 – Juan          | QSL Manager 1EK010
5EK104 – Antonio    | QSL Manager 1EK010
5EK106 – Jesus
5EK135 – Antonio    | QSL Manager 1EK010
5EK136 – Andres     | QSL Manager 1EK010
5EK157 – Diego
5EK180 – Mario
5EK318 – Ali
5EK555 – Alejandro | QSL Manager 1EK010
5EK666 – Franco
5EK675 – Eristal
5EK174 – Otman
5EK175 – Juan Carlos
5EK733 – Vladimir


Division 6 – Colombia

6EK011 – Cesar – Area Manager South America |
6EK012 – Arley
6EK033 – Jairo
6EK055 – Leo
6EK066 – Carlos
6EK088 – Alexandra
6EK099 – Carlos Flores
6EK161 – Fernando
6EK333 – Pedro Maria Lugo Forero
6EK444 – Nicolas
6EK555 – Jesus Salvador
6EK666 – Carlos Albertos Alvarez
6EK777 – Juan
6EK885 – Hernando


Division 8 – Peru

8EK010 – Javier | QSL Manager 1EK010
8EK100 – Jean Pierre
8EK101 – Juan | QSL Manager 1EK010
8EK102 – Rafael | QSL Manager 1EK010
8EK103 – Marcos
8EK200 – Charlie | QSL Manager 1EK010


Division 9 – Canada

9EK010 – Bram
9EK011 – John
9EK017 – Sylvian
9EK098 – Earl
9EK178 – Chester
9EK212 – Doug
9EK403 – Dave
9EK566- Allison
9EK633 – John
9EK945 – Steve
9EK1293 – John
9EK4417 – Patrick


Division 10 – Mexico

10EK010 – Ricardo
10EK011 – Gonzalo
10EK012 – Dionisio
10EK025 – Eduardo
10EK101 – José
10EK102 – Alberto
10EK103 – Alvaro
10EK104 – Gerardo
10EK111 – Rafael
10EK112 – Pepe
10EK181 – Hilario
10EK200 – Miguel
10EK258 – Hugo
10EK391 – Alejandro





Division 11 – Puerto Rico

11EK011 – Jose
11EK101 – Carlos
11EK111 – Tito





Division 12 – Uruguay

12EK010 – Gabriel | QSL Manager 1EK010
12EK011 – Gabriel | QSL Manager 1EK010
12EK099 – Félix
12EK116 – Danilo


Division 13 – Germany

13EK010 – Ralf | RIP
13EK011 – Edgar
13EK012 – Andrew
13EK013 – Jürgen
13EK014 – Jivan
13EK015 – Sebastian
13EK016 – Karl
13EK017 – Holger
13EK018 – Ingo
13EK019 – Andy
13EK020 – Christopher
13EK021 – Marco
13EK022 – Martin
13EK023 – Frank
13EK026 – Adam
13EK028 – Michael
13EK044 – Regina
13EK052 – Aaron
13EK053 – Horst
13EK059 – Willi
13EK066 – Barbara
13EK073 – Ralf
13EK076 – Thomas
13EK077 – Andreas
13EK086 – Dudi
13EK088 – Corina
13EK100 – Helmut
13EK101 – Udo
13EK102 – Erich
13EK103 – Hansi
13EK104 – Martin
13EK108 – Matthias
13EK110 – Frank
13EK111 – Toni – Coordinator – HQ Germany
13EK112 – Christian
13EK114 – Arnold
13EK123 – André
13EK128 – Michael
13EK131 – Tim
13EK134 – Thorsten
13EK135 – Helmut
13EK149 – Horsrt
13EK151 – Thomas
13EK158 – Frank
13EK159 – Matthias
13EK164 – Jo
13EK165 – Tom
13EK167 – Jan
13EK174 – Patrick
13EK181 – Uwe
13EK187 – Patrik
13EK200 – Rüdiger
13EK202 – Mario
13EK209 – Dirk
13EK213 – Markus
13EK222 – Stefan
13EK224 – Christian
13EK238 – Gary
13EK250 – Markus
13EK254 – Nils
13EK255 – Detlef
13EK264 – Rudy
13EK265 – Jörn
13EK266 – Thorsten
13EK273 – Alexander
13EK303 – Christian
13EK313 – Tom
13EK321 – Dirk
13EK325 – Uwe
13EK331 – Seki
13EK333 – Wolfgang
13EK343 – Philipp
13EK346 – Timo
13EK361 – Gina
13EK366 – Michael
13EK383 – Robert
13EK394 – Ralf
13EK400 – Lars
13EK401 – Alexander
13EK402 – Marco
13EK404 – Bernd
13EK415 – Alexander
13EK420 – Robin
13EK426 – Axel
13EK444 – Hans
13EK543 – Holgi
13EK550 – Michael
13EK555 – Jörg – Website Administrator |
13EK570 – Karsten
13EK577 – Christian
13EK581 – Andreas
13EK582 – Achim
13EK606 – Petra
13EK611 – Chris
13EK620 – Markus
13EK666 – Marco – Facebook/WhatsApp Administrator |
13EK667 – Ralf
13EK695 – Peter
13EK699 – Philip
13EJ710 – Denis
13EK711 – Frank
13EK747 – Michael
13EK777 – Joerg
13EK802 – Sebastian
13EK811 – Markus
13EK828 – Tobias
13EK863 – Joe
13EK865 – Tilo
13EK880 – Markus
13EK887 – Rene
13EK888 – Reinhold
13EK904 – Matthias
13EK905 – Benjamin
13EK909 – Peter
13EK925 – Stefan
13EK949 – Holger
13EK964 – Andy
13EK970 – Willi
13EK989 – Maximilian
13EK991 – Timo
13EK996 – Rocco
13EK998 – Hannah
13EK999 – Marcel
13EK1001 – Sven
13EK1105 – Dirk
13EK1312 – Roland
13EK2122 – Harald
13EK3105 – Peter
13EK1885 – Ulli
13EK9916 – Andreas


Division 14 – France

14EK010 – Pascal Martin
14EK011 – Jack | EK Area Manager for 14/16 Division
14EK012 – Alain
14EK013 – Fabrice
14EK014 – Eric
14EK015 – Patrick
14EK016 – Phil
14EK017 – Laurent
14EK018 – Gilles
14EK019 – Stéphane
14EK020 – Hervé
14EK021 – Steve
14EK022 – Patrick
14EK023 – Olivier
14EK024 – Christian
14EK025 – Esteban
14EK026 – Jean Claude
14EK027 – Dominique
14EK028 – Robert
14EK029 – Thierry
14EK030 – Didier
14EK031 – Chris
14EK033 – Eric
14EK034 – Michel
14EK035 – Gilles
14EK036 – Henry
14EK037 – Jean Paul
14EK038 – Patrice
14EK040 – Francky | EK International Competition Manager
14EK041 – Jean Jacques
14EK045 – Michael
14EK047 – Fabrice
14EK048 – Charly
14EK049 – Bruno
14EK050 – Herve
14EK051 – Michel
14EK052 – Ludo
14EK055 – Marc
14EK057 – Yannick
14EK059 – Michael
14EK064 – Alain
14EK066 – Christophe
14EK067 – Bernard
14EK068 – Myriam
14EK069 – Thierry
14EK072 – Olivier
14EK076 – Christophe
14EK078 – Gilles
14EK081 – Damien
14EK084 – Jean Claude
14EK085 – Pascal
14EK087 – Didier
14EK088 – David
14EK089 – Cedric
14EK092 – Xavier
14EK099 – Jean-Michel
14EK100 – Alain
14EK101 – Nicolas
14EK102 – Jean
14EK103 – Thomas
14EK104 – Christophe
14EK105 – Jerome
14EK106 – Lionel
14EK108 – Lilou
14EK111 – Willy
14EK112 – Jean Paul
14EK113 – Patrick
14EK114 – Jean Claude
14EK130 -Gerard
14EK137 – Henri
14EK141 – Jeremy
14EK150 – Alain
14EK160 – Jean Jacques
14EK161 – Xavier
14EK167 – Jerome
14EK175 – Daniel
14EK177 – Olivier
14EK181 – David
14EK188 – Ingrid
14EK201 – Laurent
14EK205 – Dominique
14EK207 – Sebastien
14EK210 – Becu
14EK212 – Adrian
14EK214 – Bruno
14EK218 – Thomas
14EK220 – Phil
14EK224 – Valérie
14EK222 – Frederic
14EK244 – Jose
14EK277 – Eric | RIP
14EK279 – Yannic
14EK288 – Zelya
14EK309 – Fernando
14EK310 – Alex
14EK373 – Joel
14EK380 – Robert
14EK387 – Daniel
14EK290 – Jose
14EK394 – Eric
14EK400 – Jean Claude
14EK403 – Cedric
14EK434 – Anne
14EK487 – Jerome
14EK547 – Jean Michel
14EK555 – Thomas
14EK571 – Pierre
14EK600 – Bernard
14EK602 – Christopher
14EK620 – Pierre
14EK690 – Cedric
14EK756 – Fabrice
14EK760 – Philippe
14EK774 – Didier
14EK935 – Harald
14EK972 – Thibaut
14EK3438 – Patrick


Division 15 – Switzerland

15EK010 – Zeno
15EK011 – Pascal
15EK012 – Kali
15EK101 – Patrick
15EK107 – Graz
15EK277 – Olivier
15EK466 – Heinrich





Division 16 – Belgium

16EK018 – Michael
16EK090 – Jean Marc
16EK103 – Luc
16EK104 – Thomas
16EK106 – Philippe
16EK799 – Eddie
16EK1954 – Ronny


Division 17 – Hawaii
17EK011 – Brad


Division 18 – Greece

18EK011 – Sakis
18EK124 – Andrew
18EK135 – Nick
18EK376 – Panos
18EK666 – Luca
18EK7100 – Giannis


Division 19 – Netherlands
19EK007 – Stephan
19EK010 – Marcel
19EK017 – Monique
19EK018 – Rien
19EK019 – Cees
19EK020 – Egar
19EK023 – John
19EK050 – Sietse
19EK057 – Nico
19EK061 – Hilco
19EK062 – John
19EK065 – Frank
19EK072 – Jaap
19EK099 – Paul
19EK102 – Michel
19EK108 – Ruud
19EK111 – Wim
19EK115 – Bram
19EK121 – Bas
19EK123 – Teun
19EK124 – Jan
19EK125 – John
19EK166 – Jan
19EK177 – Peter
19EK221 – Chiel
19EK222 – Henk
19EK242 – Robin
19EK321 – Pier
19EK444 – Martin
19EK514 – Andre
19EK535 – Bastiaan
19EK537 – Nico
19EK555 – Jan
19EK563 – Luigi
19EK567 – Bert
19EK559 – Kees – Manager Country Hunter
19EK666 – Jeroen
19EK747 – Andre
19EK767 – Jelmer
19EK770 – John
19EK777 – Marco
19EK787 – Kevin
19EK797 – Ruthger
19EK832 – Willem
19EK895 – Anne
19EK999 – Nico
19EK0106 – Romy
19EK1038 – Erik Jan
19EK1061 – Mark
19EK1106 – Jan
19EK1255 – Marco
19EK1262 – Dirk
19EK1312 – Menno
19EK1444 – Robin
19EK1462 – Roel
19EK1553 – Val
19EK1961 – Kornelis
19EK1969 – Jan
19EK1991 – Domenique
19EK2020 – Richard
19EK2033 – Corina






Division 20 – Norway
20EK010 – Anett
20EK020 – Frank – Area Manager Scandinavian and Balticum
20EK117 – Rene
20EK177 – John
20EK500 – Morgan
20EK555 – Kjell
20EK628 – Cato Andre


Division 21 – Sweden
21EK010 – Mikael Larson 
21EK094 – Jonas
21EK101 – Joakim
21EK153 – Colin
21EK259 – Bo
21EK305 – Tom
21EK500 – Morgan
21EK1134 – Björne


Division 23 – Jamaica

23EK101 – Causland
23EK652 – Errol





Division 24 – Panama
24EK010 – Edson
24EK011 – Gregorio
24EK014 – Hugo
24EK025 – Carlos
24EK026 – Alfredo





Division 25 – Japan
25EK011 – Tetsuya | QSL Manager 1EK010

25EK108 – BB
25EK110 – Taka
25EK111 – Shin        | QSL Manager 1EK010
25EK141 – Jin
25EK190 – Keath    | QSL Manager 1EK010
25EK300 – Ken
25EK777 – Brosse | QSL Manager 1EK010
25EK894 – Hideki


Division 26 – England
26EK010 – Stephen
26EK011 – Derek
26EK012 – Mark
26EK013 – Matthew
26EK014 – Neil
26EK016 – Kev
26EK017 – Greg
26EK022 – Peter Robert
26EK023 – Damian
26EK024 – Stanton
26EK026 – Scott
26EK032 – Mick
26EK050 – David
26EK080 – David
26EK093 – David
26EK101 – Craig
26EK104 – Artur
26EK111 – Alan
26EK115 – John
26EK123 – Martin
26EK154 – Ken
26EK156 – James
26EK163 – Graham
26EK167 – Kevin
26EK168 – Graham
26EK180 – Andy
26EK241 – Simon
26EK256 – Matthew
26EK321 – Steve
26EK325 – Nigel
26EK350 – Iian
26EK358 – Dave
26EK416 – Allan
26EK456 – Richard
26EK483 – Cory
26EK500 – John
26EK511 – Jamie
26EK575 – Tony
26EK666 – Julian
26EK707 – Glen
26EK720 – Nigel
26EK750 – Dean
26EK777 – Cliff
26EK812 – Rodney
26EK827 – Paul
26EK925 – Dave
26EK935 – Kevin
26EK963 – Neil
26EK1329 – Clive
26EK1701 – Mark
26EK1973 – Gavin
26EK1975 – Ian
26EK2714 – Sandra
26EK3984 – Apostolos


Division 28 – Honduras
28EK011 – Oskar
28EK050 – Hector
28EK500 – Ramon


Division 29 – Ireland
29EK030 – Derek
29EK063 – Pat
29EK394 – Paul
29EK737 – Chas
29EK1968 – James


Division 30 – Spain
30EK010 – Maximiliano
30EK011 – Miguel
30EK012 – Aleix
30EK013 – Vicente
30EK014 – Manuel
30EK015 – Paco
30EK016 – Carlos
30EK017 – Juan Luis
30EK018 – Rudy
30EK019 – Ramón
30EK021 – Jose Manuel
30EK022 – Angel
30EK023 – Fernando
30EK024 – Santiago
30EK025 – Juan
30EK026 – Juan Domingo
30EK027 – Jose Antonio
30EK028 – Juan
30EK029 – Alejandro
30EK030 – Mirian
30EK031 – Juan
30EK032 – Paco
30EK033 – Rafael
30EK034 – David
30EK047 – Carlos
30EK050 – Tanis
30EK061 – Fernando
30EK064 – Manuel
30EK065 – Serafin
30EK070 – Viktor
30EK071 – Jesus
30EK081 – Juan Carlos
30EK085 – Pedro
30EK090 – Riccardo
30EK097 – Javi
30EK069 – Javier
30EK100 – Tito
30EK101 – Toni
30EK102 – Juanan
30EK105 – Lorenzo
30EK107 – Miguel
30EK110 – Hugo
30EK112 – Paulino
30EK114 – David
30EK117 – Jose Antonio
30EK121 – Lolo
30EK123 – David
30EK124 – Francisco
30EK125- Antonio
30EK126 – Julio
30EK140 – Arturo
30EK141 – Jose
30EK121 – Manolo
30EK158 – Gabriel
30EK161 – Pere
30EK171 – Javier
30EK213 – Jesus
30EK222 – Javier Francisco
30EK241 – Juan
30EK260 – Alfredo
30EK262 – Jan
30EK264 – Sergio
30EK310 – Florin
30EK315 – Francisco
30EK390 – Juan
30EK444 – Carlos
30EK450 – Oscar
30EK500 – Morgan
30EK528 – Luis
30EK555 – Mike
30EK650 – Javier
30EK666 – Ramon
30EK777 – Angel


Division 31 – Portugal

31EK021 – Fernando
31EK055 – Ernesto
31EK121 – Luis
31EK212 – Louis
31EK620 – Silva
31EK688 – Angelo


Division 32 – Chile
32EK015 – John
32EK022 – Ely
32EK224 – Juan
32EK666 – Edinson

Division 33 – Alaska

33EK213 – Miguel
33EK907 – Mike





Division 34 – Canarian Islands

34EK011 – Sergio
34EK015 – Decirte
34EK022 – Victor
34EK107 – Luis
34EK110 – Giovanni
34EK116 – Oliver
34EK113 – Julio
34EK222 – Miguel
34EK666 – Tibisay
34EK682 – Kike


Division 35 – Austria
35EK0555 – Thomas


Division 37 – Dominican republic
37EK347 – Ernesto





Division 41 – New Zealand
41EK010 – Graeme
41EK011 – Ronald
41EK101 – Brian
41EK123 – Kevin – RIP
41EK333 – Sander
41EK556 – Shaun


Division 43 – Australia
43EK010 – Peter
43EK022 – Richard | QSL Manager 1EK010
43EK023 – Simon
43EK091 – Doug
43EK093 – Jason
43EK101 – Steven
43EK102 – Gus
43EK127 – Michael
43EK190 – Michael
43EK110 – Keith
43EK119 – Roy
43EK219 – Bradley
43EK222 – Peter
43EK349 – Gary
43EK451 – Tom
43EK457 – Bernard | QSL Manager 1EK010
43EK491 – Terry     | QSL Manager 1EK010
43EK569 – Court  | Tasmania OC-006 | QSL Manager 1EK010
43EK579 – Les
43EK747 – Duncan
43EK777 – Pepi
43EK810 – Rob
43EK858 – Ian
43EK910 – Micheal – Aerea Manager Pacific | QSL Manager 1EK010 –
43EK911 – Owen
43EK922 – Brian
43EK934 – Gerard
43EK2442 – Mark


Division 44 – South Africa

44EK010 – Daniel
44EK011 – Eddie
44EK012 – Mogamed
44EK013 – Johannes
44EK014 – Graham
44EK015 – Tony
44EK016 – Robin | QSL Manager 1EK010
44EK017 – Riaan
44EK018 – Marius
44EK019 – Andries
44EK020 – André
44EK021 – Carel
44EK022 – Andre
44EK023 – Nicolaas
44EK024 – Maggie
44EK025 – William
44EK028 – Richard
44EK057 – Johan
44EK061 – George
44EK062 – Johan
44EK081 – Andrew
44EK082 – Corné
44EK083 – Frederik
44EK084 – Bennie
44EK100 – Pierre
44EK101 – Dottie
44EK102 – Hough
44EK104 – Nico
44EK105 – Margie
44EK124 – Gert
44EK126 – Ferreira
44EK130 – Erick
44EK132 – Antonino
44EK143 – Johannes
44EK148 – Riyaad
44EK149 – Craig
44EK150 – Zain | QSL Manager 1EK010
44EK151 – Igshaan
44EK152 – Quentin
44EK153 – Naiam
44EK188 – Bryan
44EK222 – Dupie
44EK226 – Maarman
44EK235 – Jacobus
44EK269 – Francois
44EK400 – Weon
44EK411 – Domisani
44EK416 – Johann
44EK420 – Rinus
44EK605 – Redewaan | QSL Manager 1EK010
44EK747 – George
44EK777 – Jaco
44EK786 – Nasri
44EK912 – Fanie
44EK7108 – George
44EK7801 – Franshwa





Division 45 – Serbia

45EK011 – Gojko
45EK101 – Zoran





Division 47 – Denmark
47EK116 – Frank





Division 49 – Balearic Islands
49EK015 – Peter
49EK018 – Richard


Division 50 – European Russia
50EK010 – Dima
50EK025 – Vlad
50EK052 – Victor
50EK100 – Sergey
50EK105 – Grigoriy
50EK605 – Igor


Division 53 – El Salvador
53EK011 – Ricardo


Division 56 – Finland

56EK010 – Mike
56EK021 – Pirjo
56EK111 – Topi
56EK223 – Petri
56EK555 – Mikko
56EK626 – Timo
56EK666 – Repe
56EK695 – Jari
56EK888 – Pekka
56EK998 – Joni
56EK999 – Ville


Division 57 – India

57EK010 – Himangshu
57EK020 – Asok


Division 58 – East Malaysia

58EK111 – Davy
58EK343 – Irfan
58EK555 – Geraman


Division 59 – Dodecanese Isle

59EK101 – Tolis | QSL Manager 1EK010
59EK102 – Nassos


Division 61 – Ecuador
61EK101 – Mauricio


Division 62 – Guam island

62EK052 – Mene


Division 63 – St Helena Island
63EK63 – Bruce


Division 67 – Paraguay
67EK011 – Hugo


Division 68 – Northern Ireland

68EK010 – Leonard
68EK011 – Steve
68EK068 – Peter
68EK101 – Gary
68EK103 – Paul
68EK123 – John
68EK127 – John
68EK135 – Alan
68EK145 – Chris
68EK165 – Del
68EK450 – John
68EK1954 – Graham


Division 69 – Costa Rica

69EK010 – Richard
69EK011 – Julio
69EK027 – Alfredo
69EK070 – Edo
68EK145 – Chris
69EK524 – Maurizio


Division 72 – Guatemala

72EK010 – Mário
72EK011 – Ruth
72EK101 – Brent


Division 74 – Namibia

74EK101 – Russel


Division 75- Azores islands

75EK105 – Andrade
75EK083 – Alves


Division 76 – Marocco
76EK008 – Abdou
76EK009 – Mhammed


Division 79 – Phillipines

79EK010 – Roy Joseph
79EK011 – Elmer
79EK044 – Ivan Ortiz Mende
79EK069 – Aldrin
79EK122 – Jun
79EK214 – Norman
79EK222 – Bruce
79EK245 – Pete
79EK323 – Joey
79EK539 – Lolong
79EK627 – Jay
79EK888 – Charles
79EK911 – June
79EK920 – Dong


81EK010 – Gustavo

Division 85 – Zimbabew
85EK411 – Dumisani



Division 88 – Cuba
88EK010 – Mario
88EK079 – Yunior
88EK101 – Liosvey



Division 90 – Crete
90EK010 – Irini
90EK016 – Jean Marc | QSL Manager 1EK010
90EK101 – Kostas  | QSL Manager 1EK010


Division 91 – Indonesia

91EK010 – Joni | Java isl. Iota OC-021 | QSL Manager 1EK010
91EK011 – Hari | Java isl. Iota OC-021 | QSL Manager 1EK010
91EK077 – Eko
91EK083- Dian
91EK090 – Ary
91EK091 – Tahril
91EK096 – Wing
91EK099 – Nestor
91EK101 – Andre
91EK102 – Joni
91EK103 – Joe
91EK104 – Haryani
91EK112 – Juned
91EK113 – Nugroho
91EK119 – Benny
91EK123 – Made | Bali isl. Iota oc-022 |QSL Manager 1EK010
91EK126 – Tumbur
91EK133 – Redy
91EK141 – Susanto | Java isl. Iota OC-021 | QSL Manager 1EK010
91EK142 – Muchtar
91EK144 – Bambang
91EK149 – Haris
91EK151 – Rahmat
91EK156 – Agung
91EK158 – Indarto
91EK159 – Jazz
91EK163 – Joko
91EK171 – Harun
91EK172 – Irfan – Sumatra isl. Iota OC-143 | QSL Manager 1EK010
91EK173 – Lilik
91EK177 – Dede
91EK181 – Ricky
91EK186 – Siswandi
91EK191 – Bruno – Lombok isl. Iota OC-150 | QSL Manager 1EK010
91EK193 – Dedi
91EK199 – Hermawan
91EK202 – Didik
91EK208 – Haidir
91EK210 – Kusno
91EK212 – Iwayan
91EK219 – Tony
91EK211 – Ridwan
91EK222 – Anton
91EK223 – Raddy | Java isl. Iota OC-021 | QSL Manager 1EK010
91EK226 – Hendro
91EK227 – Indra
91EK234 – Maria | Java isl. Iota OC-021 | QSL Manager 1EK010
91EK235 – Shabir
91EK258 – Indro
91EK260 – Erick
91EK261 – Agung

91EK277 – Doni | Java isl. Iota OC-021 – QSL Manager 1EK010
91EK278 – Yahya
91EK281 – Djiwo
91EK284 – Dr Epi
91EK291 – Adityo
91EK295 – Tohir
91EK296 – Yani
91EK300 – Angung
91EK301 – Aries
91EK303 – Edo
91EK307 – Sugeng
91EK308 – Budi
91EK313 – Aldino
91EK317 – Itok
91EK323 – Darmawan
91EK324 – Haryo
91EK325 – Harsoyo
91EK327 – Jerry
91EK333 – Tulus | Java isl. Iota OC-021 | QSL Manager 1EK010
91EK343 – Doni | Asia Area Manager | Sumatra isl. Iota OC-143 | QSL Manager 1EK010
91EK344 – Bambang Haryono
91EK345 – Didik
91EK348 – Sam
91EK350 – Deni
91EK353 – Djoni
91EK357 – Mugabe
91EK359 – Isworo
91EK361 – Leo
91EK364 – Farid
91EK365 – Eko
91EK366 – Doddy
91EK371 – Henri
91EK376 – Kus Mair
91EK378 – Ismed
91EK382 – Kan Chil
91EK385 – Sadam
91EK387 – Sugeng Imam | Java isl. Iota OC-021 | QSL Manager 1EK010
91EK388 – Iswan | Java isl. Iota OC-021 | QSL Manager 1EK010
91Ek397 – Marko
91EK398 – Eddy | Java isl. Iota OC-021 | QSL Manager 1EK010
91EK399 – Syamsul
91EK401 – Eko
91EK407 – Wawan
91EK422 – Coky | Bali isl. Iota OC-022 | QSL Manager 1EK010
91EK432 – Agung Rio
91EK474 – Agus
91EK487 – Nugroho
91EK501 – Nurfuadi
91EK505 – Aim
91EK506 – Mnoor
91EK509 – Teguh
91EK510 – Benny
91EK512 – Josep
91EK518 – Agustian
91EK522 – Radi Pejabat
91EK538 – Siltor
91EK549 – Rudi
91EK571 – Henri
91EK599 – Koen
91EK601 – Muslem
91EK602 – Ridlwan
91EK603 – Koko
91EK652 – Genardi
91EK666 – Bambang
91EK673 – Dedi
91EK678 – Dedi
91EK686 – Rayadi
91EK688 – Holywood
91EK694 – Dirham
91EK705 – Jaya
91EK711 – Aan | Borneo isl. Iota OC-088 | QSL Manager 1EK010
91EK727 – Tarmiji
91EK737 – Dhen
91EK765 – Harta | Java isl. Iota OC-021 | QSL Manager 1EK010
91EK793 – Agus
91EK807 – Ony – Borneo isl. Iota OC-088 | QSL Manager 1EK010
91EK808 – Ridho
91EK811 – Nefri – Borneo isl. Iota OC-088 | QSL Manager 1EK010
91EK816 – Untung
91EK817 – Max – Java isl. Iota OC-021 | QSL Manager 1EK010
91EK829 – Ramlan
91EK843 – Joko
91EK870 – Putra
91EK888 – Budiman
91EK889 – Darwansah
91EK901 – Sastra
91EK908 – Fransiscus
91EK909 – Kasturi
91EK911 – Pande
91EK919 – Wayan
91EK931 – Sutan
91EK940 – Erwin
91EK944 – Ujat | Java isl. Iota OC-021 | QSL Manager 1EK010
91EK950 – CAPT. Reddiyanto
91EK965 – Bambang
91EK966 – Bernadi
91EK968 – Cipto
91EK969 – Baharudin
91EK999 – Muhammad





Division 93 – Malta
93EK010 – John
93EK101 – Brian | QSL Manager 1EK010
93EK125 – Noel
93EK130 – Charlie

Division 94 – United Arab Emirates

94EK011 – Rashed
94EK100 – Ali
94EK101 – Abdul
94EK888 – Abdulla


Division 97 – Israel

97EK010 – Ilan


Division 100 – Korea

100EK010 – Park    | QSL Manager 1EK010
100EK100 – Jeong | QSL Manager 1EK010


Division 102 – Kuwait

102EK101 – Bader
102EK102 – Falah
102EK166 – Mohsen
102EK206 – Meshal
102EK222 – Omar
102EK333 – Owais
102EK444 – Yaqoub
102EK555 – Ahmed
102EK585 – Ali
102EK622 – Naser
102EK666 – Nidal
102EK777 – Ali
102EK888 – Saud
102EK911 – Rekaaan
102EK965 – Ali
102EK999 – Rashed


Division 108 – Scotland

108EK010 – Paul
108EK011 – Hugh
108EK012 – Jim
108EK013 – Sean
108EK051 – Tommy
108EK073 – Charles
108EK108 – Billy
108EK110 – Dave
108EK192 – Ian
108EK204 – Bobby
108EK222 – David
108EK888 – Jim
108EK963 – Jim
108EK999 – Bob


Division 109 – Hungary

109EK100 – Lajos
109EK222 – Attila
109EK400 – Franky


Division 111 – Jordan

111EK666 – Nidal


Division 112 – Lebanon

112EK010 – Mohammed


Division 113 – Malaysia

113EK010 – Nazrul
113EK011 – Zul | QSL Manager 1EK010
113EK015 – Sharudin
113EK016 – Rizaidi
113EK019 – Zolke
113EK022 – Eddy    | QSL Manager 1EK010
113EK027 – Safri     | QSL Manager 1EK010
113EK101 – Suhaimy
113EK113 – Azlan    | QSL Manager 1EK010
113EK141 – Lutfi     | QSL Manager 1EK010
113EK175 – Ayub    | QSL Manager 1EK010
113EK192 – Fadhli | QSL Manager 1EK010
113EK311 – Izzad    | QSL Manager 1EK010
113EK555 – Caun
113EK737 – Salleh  | QSL Manager 1EK010
113EK996 – Karl     | QSL Manager 1EK010


Division 115 – Qatar

115EK115 – Mohd
115EK555 – Mohamed



Division 116 – Turkey

116EK009 – Ilgaz
116EK010 – barış
116EK011 – Hamit Ote
116EK012 – Yener Soganci
116EK013 – Hakan
116EK014 – Muhammed
116EK015 – Tevfik
116EK053 – Unal
116EK123 – Burak
116EK777 – Deniz




Division 123 – Bermuda

123EK092 – Dexter



Division 126 – Nicaragua

126EK101 – Gustavo



Division 133 – Marianas island

133EK112 – Lito

Division 140- Antarctica

140EK101 – Igor

Division 151 – Iraq

151EK101 – Zuhair


Division 153 – Thailand

153EK101 – Tu
153EK014 – Tom
153EK019 – Converse
153EK024 – Chatree
153EK103 – Thas
153EK107 – Keng
153EK108 – Rivero
153EK500 – Mr.Morgan
153EK526 – David
153EK555 – Boonlert Aobrom



Division 155 – Taiwan

155EK155 – Jamie
155EK149 – Thomas
155EK257 – David
155EK260 – Hwang
155EK322 – Clare
155EK455 – Kevin
155EK555 – David
155EK641 – Jianghongen
155EK711 – Jacky
155EK812 – Ball
155EK827 – Mike


Division 158 – Trinidad and Tobago

158EK115 – Toni



Division 161 – Poland

161EK007 – Robert
161EK016 – Mario
161EK025 – Lukas
161EK050 – Jurek
161EK051 – Robert
161EK101 – Rafal
161EK104 – Mariusz
161EK176 – Paul
161EK205 – Sławomir
161EK358 – Marcin
161EK724 – Tomek


Division 163 – Wales

163EK010 – Ifan
163EK011 – Gareth
163EK110 – Darren
163EK134 – Paul
163EK144 – Mark
163EK195 – Danny
163EK291 – Neil

Division 164 – Togo Republic

164EK333 – Stefan


Division 165 – Sardinia
165EK010 – Daniel
165EK188 – Mauro


Division 168 – Mauritius island

168EK202 – Mario | QSL Manager 1EK010


Division 172 – New Caledonia

172EK101 – Sebastien




Division 173 – Reunion Isle

173EK010 – Yéyé
173EK871 – Ramjean





Division 177 – Sri Lanka
177EK100 – Vidula


Division 178 – Bulgaria
178EK183 – Kiril
178EK505 – Dimitar





Division 196 – Guadeloupe

196EK001 – Robert

Division 203 – China

203EK101 – Michael






Division 206 – Ethiopia
206EK555 – Abel




Division 226 – Malawi

226EK101 – Praise




Division 232 – Aruba
232EK010 – David
232EK011 – Aleandro





Division 233 – Romania
233EK115 – Sorin
233EK124 – Simi | QSL Manager 1EK010
233EK166 – Marian | QSL Manager 1EK010
233EK213 – Vasile
233EK327 – Catalin
233EK555 – Costi
233EK1001 – Csiszér | QSL Manager 1EK010





Division 236 – Bangladesh
236EK010 – Abdur Razzak


Division 301 – Armenia

301EK010 – Hovik
301EK088 – Anna


Division 302 – Asiatic Russia

302EK010 – Oleg
302EK042 – Andrey
302EK101 – Yuri | QSL Manager 1EK010
302EK222 – Konstantin
302EK128 – Alexander
302EK905 – Leonid


Division 306 – Georgia

306EK013 – John






Division 307 – Kalingrad
307EK101- Anton


Division 308 – Kazakhstan

308EK011 – Kuldybek
308EK279 – Stas | QSL Manager 1EK010
308EK705 – Viktor
308EK999 – Waleron





Division 310 – Latvia

310EK013 – Martin
310EK101 – Janis


Division 311 – Lithuania

311EK010 – Zibi


Division 313 – T

313EK101 – Umar

Division 316 – Uzbekistan

316EK010 – Mike





Division 327 – Slovenia
327EK010 – Marjan
327EK020 – Fabiano | QSL Manager 1EK010


Division 328 – Croatia

328EK010 – Milan
328EK029 – Bojan
328EK077 – Goran
328EK094 – Kristian
328EK101 – Nino
328EK666 – Sasa
328EK711 – Momir


Division 329 – Czech Republic

329EK101 – Petr
329EK123 – Daniel


Division 330 – Slovakia

330EK010 – Rasto
330EK051 – Milos


Division 331 – Bosnia Herzegowina
331EK055 – Goran
331EK111 – Sebastian
331EK331 – Boris
331EK444 – Vedran
331EK555 – Josip



Division 338 – Marquesas island
338ek101 -Jean Marie





Division 347 – Curacao
347EK101 – Angelo
347EK234 – Stanley
